Friday, April 29, 2011

How to Install Files into Your Blackberry

 For new blackberry users, this is for you :)

here is all senarios that you may encounter installing Apps/Games/Themes or anyother things

The Various File Types You Will Encounter:

-.JAD files: An application descriptor that stores information about the application itself and the location of .COD files

-.JAR files: a JAR file (or Java ARchive) is used for aggregating many files into one. It is generally used to distribute Java classes and associated metadata.

-.COD files: A COD file is a proprietary file format developed by RIM that contains compiled and packaged application code.

-.ALX files: Similar to the .JAD file, in that it holds information about where the installation files for the application are located

For JAR files (You need a memery card)

1. Download to .JAR to your PC
2. Link your Blackberry to your PC via the USB cable
3. Open "Computer" in the Start Menu
4. Go to the folder/location on your PC where you stored the .JAR file
5. Either copy or cut the file (In case there's any oopses, best to copy)
6. In the Drive/Device list under the "Computer" screen find your Blackberry
7. Paste the file either into the root of Blackberry or a subfolder, either will suffice.
8. Unhook Blackberry from USB cable
9. In the applications on your phone (or on home screen depending on Theme) scroll to the "Media" icon
10. Click the "Media" icon to launch it
11. Press the menu button and select "Explore"
12. Locate the .JAR file either on the device memory or memory card (check both as the Blackberry seems to just sort of stick system memory and card memory together lol)
13. Click the file, and it should prompt you to download (install)
14. Click "Download" and follow instructions

For JAD files (You need a memory card)

The JAD files always come with .COD or .JAR files in the same archive (or folder) so use the same method as describer for JAR files to install the JAD files but when you transfert file to your blackberry, you have to transfer also the .COD file/files and put it/them in the same folder as .JAD

If the JAD file doest come with .COD or .JAR, that means its an OTA file.
you can also use the same method as installing JAR file but you need to have internet connection, cause the JAD file will request the connection to the server to download the COD files.

For ALX files (you need a desktop manager)

1.Navigate to a download link for any piece of third party software you like and download the required installation files to your desktop.
2.Once you have downloaded the desired application to your desktop, you may have to unzip/extract the contents to a new folder. Inside your newly created folder you will find a file that ends in .alx
3.Connect your BlackBerry via USB to your computer and launch the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
4.In the menu you will see an option for “Application Loader”. click this and you will see a screen appear that displays all the applications currently loaded on your BlackBerry.
5.Above the list of currently installed BlackBerry applications you will see a button that says “Add”. Click on this button to bring up the add application dialog box.
6.Navigate to the folder that you have saved on your desktop in the previous step and locate the .alx file contained within. Choose OK and this application will appear in the list with all of your other installed software.
7.If you have downloaded multiple pieces of software to install, you can go ahead and click the add button again and navigate to the next .alx file and click OK. Repeat this process for each additional third party application you wish to install.
8.Once all desired applications have been introduced into the application loader, verify that they each have a check mark next to them and click the button labeled “Next” which appears below the list of applications.
9.You will see the BlackBerry Desktop Manager run through a process and your BlackBerry may restart.
10.Upon reboot of your BlackBerry you will see all of your newly installed applications on the applications screen of your device.

For advanced user

For COD files that doesn't come with ALX or JAD files (You have a memory card)

You can install them using:

BBSAK manager

Or MCP (Blackberry Master Control Program)

-Connect your bb with USB and follow the instructions given to upload COD files into your BB

Or you can use also Aerize card reader
-Download it from here
-Transfer the COD files to you Memory card and open Aerize Card loader
-Chose the file you want to install and in option chose "Load"

For COD files that doesnt come with ALX or JAD files (You don't have a memory card)

You only can use BBSAK or MCP

Note: there is other tools that can install COD files, but here i chosed BBSAK and MCP coz its easy to use it

1 comment:

  1. when i try to install my application using device manager, it throwing error "Insufficient memory".. But the phone have more than 200MB free size and my application is just 250KB....
